Students looking to avoid the debt associated with a college degree are turning to alternatives like skills-based training. University Ventures Co-Founder Ryan Craig, Kettering University President...
Software development is a highly dynamic field. We see both new and in-demand programming languages, frameworks and technologies emerging, rising to fame and then being overtaken by any other new trend.
The potential for innovation in higher ed, alternative pathways, programs and flexibility across postsecondary is the subject of debate at the US Department...
All of us have been in a situation where we have had to validate our identity or provide proof of our abilities. You may have recently used your driver's license to go through airport security or rent...
Around the world, tuition at universities is rising at a much faster rate than inflation and challenging students' return on investment.
When it comes to education and the labour market, universities (well, the bits outside the professional schools, anyway) like to say they are in the business of preparing students not for their first job but for their fifth, or...
The Future Trends Forum met with A New U's author, Ryan Craig, to explore his vision of higher education's future.
International student loan provider MPOWER Financing has raised $110million in funding to support new product growth and technology enhancements, and expand its student loan portfolio, while the company expands into Canada.
A software development company is looking to close the talent gap in coding through a program to create more diverse developers.
Ryan Craig, a venture capital investor at University Ventures, recently wrote that many entry-level jobs require industry-specific business software experience.