Believe it or not, some of the key fundamentals of university haven't changed much in over a thousand years. But with the US student debt crisis continuing to make headlines, employers' talent needs rapidly evolving...
Finding the right, highly-skilled talent is particularly difficult in emerging markets. Since its founding in 2016, human resources startup Shortlist has screened over 400,000 candidates for more than 300 clients like Uber Eats...
Nairobi- and Mumbai-based venture Shortlist has raised a $2 million Series A round in support of its platform that streamlines job recruitment.
This time last year, Chicago-based edtech company Packback had 37 employees and was gearing up to announce a $4.2 million Series A.
What a difference a year makes.
Augmenting traditional CVs.
More colleges are experimenting with immersive learning experiences that go beyond traditional study abroad, co-ops and internships.
Over 32 million working-class American adults with less than a two-year degree are being left behind in today's job market. A new category of career "on-ramp" programs can help this group achieve upward...
Some colleges and universities are rethinking how students pay tuition.
One of the central promises of education in America is the opportunity to cultivate the knowledge and skills we all need to get good jobs, pursue careers and live productive lives.
Chicago ed-tech startup Packback has raised another round of funding as it brings its artificial intelligence software to more college classrooms.