There's a new bipartisan effort to get Congress to pass legislation governing income-share agreements. The Trump administration likes them, but some Democrats like Sen. Elizabeth Warren have been raising alarms.
Higher ed's role in the economic shift includes supporting new paths from high school to jobs, bringing transparency to credentials and offering opportunities to return to school.
Does college still matter? The Department of Education makes the case that college is more valuable than ever: Degree holders earn $1 million more that workers without postsecondary education and the innovation economy is likely to require a more...
IN NATIONAL SURVEYS OF college freshmen over the last decade, one reason for attending college dominates all others: to get a better job. But as the cost of tuition rises and the national student loan debt...
Sagging enrollment and a greater focus on outcomes are pushing colleges to reenroll students instead of replacing them with new recruits.
Traditional school is out for the summer, but publishers who remain enamored by online education and classes as a source of incremental revenue are just warming up.
The digital badges Teske earned in her data science courses were hosted by Credly, a venture-backed startup reinventing how credentials are used to recognize achievement and contribution.
The promise of education in America is freedom, asserts David Coleman, CEO of The College Board, an organization that helps students attend and be successful in college. What kind of freedom?
Hiring managers want them and students are seeking them out. Here's how colleges can address demand for this emerging form of skills qualification.
Los recaudos de este ano superan los $1.6 millones.